
How to automate Marketing Cloud journey analytics data

Structured Query Language (SQL)

In Salesforce Marketing Cloud, analyzing the performance of journeys is crucial for optimizing marketing strategies and enhancing customer engagement. One effective way to gain insights into journey performance is by querying the system’s data views using SQL. In this article, I’ll break down a SQL query designed to retrieve daily journey analytics from Salesforce Marketing Cloud.


Before delving into the SQL query, let’s understand the components involved.

	jou.JourneyID AS JourneyID,
	jou.JourneyName AS JourneyName,
	jou.VersionNumber AS VersionNumber,
	jou.JourneyStatus AS Status,
	CONVERT(date, s.EventDate) AS SentDate,
	j.EmailName AS EmailName,
	COUNT(s.JobID) AS Sent,
	COUNT(s.JobID) - COUNT(b.JobID) AS Delivered,
	COUNT(o.JobID) AS Opened,
	COUNT(c.JobID) AS Clicked,
	COUNT(b.JobID) AS Bounced,
	COUNT(u.JobID) AS Unsubscribed
FROM _Job j
LEFT JOIN _Sent s ON j.JobID = s.JobID
LEFT JOIN _Open o ON s.JobID = o.JobID
	AND s.ListID = o.ListID
	AND s.BatchID = o.BatchID
	AND s.SubscriberID = o.SubscriberID
	AND o.IsUnique = 1
LEFT JOIN _Click c ON s.JobID = c.JobID
	AND s.ListID = c.ListID
	AND s.BatchID = c.BatchID
	AND s.SubscriberID = c.SubscriberID
	AND c.IsUnique = 1
LEFT JOIN _Bounce b ON s.JobID = b.JobID
	AND s.ListID = b.ListID
	AND s.BatchID = b.BatchID
	AND s.SubscriberID = b.SubscriberID
	AND b.IsUnique = 1
LEFT JOIN _Unsubscribe u ON s.JobID = u.JobID
	AND s.ListID = u.ListID
	AND s.BatchID = u.BatchID
	AND s.SubscriberID = u.SubscriberID
	AND u.IsUnique = 1
LEFT JOIN _JourneyActivity ja ON j.TriggererSendDefinitionObjectID = ja.JourneyActivityObjectID
LEFT JOIN _Journey jou ON ja.VersionID = jou.VersionID
WHERE jou.JourneyName IS NOT NULL
	AND jou.JourneyStatus IN ('Running', 'Paused')
	AND CONVERT(date, s.EventDate) = CONVERT(date, DATEADD(day, -5, GETDATE()))
GROUP BY jou.JourneyID, jou.JourneyName, jou.VersionNumber, j.EmailName, CONVERT(date, s.EventDate), jou.JourneyStatus

Query breakdown

Let’s dissect the SQL query step by step:

  1. SELECT: This clause selects the fields we want to retrieve in the result set, including JourneyID, JourneyName, VersionNumber, Status, SentDate, EmailName, and various counts for different activities.
  2. FROM: Specifies the primary table from which data is retrieved, in this case, the _Job table.
  3. JOIN: Joins the _Job table with other relevant tables (_Sent, _Open, _Click, _Bounce, _Unsubscribe, _JourneyActivity, and _Journey) based on common keys (JobID, ListID, BatchID, SubscriberID).
  4. WHERE: Filters the data based on specific conditions:
    • Retrieves only journeys with non-null names that are either running or paused.
    • Filters data for a specific date (five days ago from the current date).
  5. GROUP BY: Groups the results by JourneyID, JourneyName, VersionNumber, EmailName, SentDate, and Status, allowing aggregation functions (COUNT) to be applied to calculate metrics for each group.

Understanding the metrics


This SQL query provides valuable insights into the performance of journeys within Salesforce Marketing Cloud. By analyzing metrics such as sends, opens, clicks, bounces, and unsubscribes on a daily basis, marketers can assess the effectiveness of their campaigns, identify areas for improvement, and tailor future strategies to better engage their audience.

Understanding and leveraging journey analytics is essential for optimizing marketing efforts, enhancing customer experiences, and driving overall business success in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.