
Product photography for marketers

Overhead photography of a delicious meal

Product photography is more than just capturing an image of an item—it’s about telling a story and engaging potential customers. In the world of marketing collateral and digital media, different types of product photography play unique roles. Let’s explore some key photography styles and techniques that can elevate your marketing efforts.

Overhead / bird’s eye view

Overhead photograph of “A Christian Directory” by Richard Baxter


The overhead or bird’s eye view involves placing the camera directly above the product. This angle mimics how a person would naturally look at a book laid open on a desk or table, or even a spread of food. More importantly, details can be more clearly seen from directly above.


Wide angle

A wide angle photograph of a nice writing pen


Capture a wide and short field of view, focusing on key elements. This is especially useful for banners and headers where a panoramic aspect ratio (e.g., 2:1, 3:1, or 4:1) is required.


Low Angle

Low angle photograph of a cheeseburger


Position the camera low to make the subject appear larger than life. This is particularly effective for tall products with nice details.


Negative Space

Yoto Player Kids Bluetooth Speaker


Leave ample space around the subject for text or other design elements. This can be to the sides, top, or bottom.


Flip technique / stop motion

A stop-motion image of a gray sweatshirt folding itself up


Fix the camera in one position and take multiple shots of different pages or product variations. This creates a flip-book or stop motion effect. For the best results, use a remote shutter to avoid touching the camera and moving it, and tape the back of the item to the floor to prevent it from moving as it is adjusted.


Lifestyle photography: personal and group use

A group of people seated at a table studying the Bible together


Capture candid shots of individuals and groups using the product in real-life scenarios.


Lifestyle photography: on-the-go

A man ready to go out for the day and holding a CrunchCup


Show the product in everyday life situations, emphasizing its convenience and accessibility. This technique is especially useful with products that are easily carried in a backpack, purse, or pocket.



Each type of product photography serves a unique purpose in marketing. From overhead shots that offer a clear, distortion-free view to wide-angle photos that leave room for text, these techniques help tell a story and engage potential customers. Incorporating a variety of styles ensures that your marketing collateral is both visually appealing and effective in conveying your message. By strategically using these photography styles, you can create compelling marketing materials that resonate with your audience and drive conversions.